Which is the warmest country to survive the winter?
Countries near the equator like Maldives, Seychelles, French Guiana, Indonesia, and Singapore generally experience warm temperatures throughout the year and do not have a winter season. Australia and New Zealand can be warm during their winter months (June to August) since they are located in the Southern Hemisphere. Additionally, countries in the Caribbean such as Barbados, the Bahamas, and Trinidad and Tobago also experience warm temperatures during winter.
Windows Ubuntu 11.4.4 ЛТС
Последняя LTS-версия Wubuntu Cinnamon и Plasma для настольных ПК и ноутбуков. LTS означает долгосрочную поддержку — это означает пять лет бесплатных обновлений безопасности и обслуживания с гарантией до апреля 2027 года.
În Arabia Saudită intenționează să construiască o stațiune de divertisment sub forma unei platforme petroliere
Investițiile ar putea ajunge la 5 miliarde de dolari. Complexul va avea trei hoteluri, inclusiv unul subacvatic, 11 restaurante, un parc acvatic, o zonă de divertisment cu scufundări și o autostradă.